ASO LÁTEX - Anti-Streptolysin O
Test for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Anti-Streptolysin "O" (ASO) in human serum.
Code 900
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL
Negative control: 1 x 0.5mL
Code 910
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
Test for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Anti-Brucella antibodies in human serum.
Code 803
Antigen: 1 x 3.0mL
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL
FR Latex - Rheumatoid Factor
Test for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in human serum.
Code 901
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL
Negative control: 1 x 0.5mL
Code 911
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
FR Waaler Rose
Test for direct and semi-quantitative determination of Rheumatoid Factors (RF) in human serum.
Code 907
Antigen: 1 x 2.5mL
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL
Negative control: 1 x 0.5mL
LES LÁTEX - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Test for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Anti-DNAn antibodies associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in human serum.
Code 903
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL
Negative control: 1 x 0.5mL
PCR LÁTEX - C Reactive Protein
Test for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of C Reactive Protein (CRP) in human serum.
Code 902
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL
Negative control: 1 x 0.5mL
Code 912
Latex Reagent: 1 x 2.0mL
Widal A, B, O and H
Auxiliary test in the diagnosis of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
Code 805
Antigen: 4 x 3.0mL ( A, B, O and H)
Positive control: 1 x 0.5mL