Coagulation Control (Plasma Level 1)
Coagulation Control (Plasma Level 2)
EBCOAG FIB - Fibrinogen
Test for monitoring secondary fibrinolysis and evaluating abnormal anticoagulant substances.
Ready-to-use liquid
Code 304C - R1: 3 x 15 mL + R2: 2 x 2 mL + Cal.: 1 x 1 mL (with card)
Code 305 - R1: 3 x 15 mL + R2: 2 x 2 mL + Cal.: 1 x 1 mL (without card)
EBCOAG PT - Prothrombin Time
Screening test for deficiency of exogenous coagulation factors and markers for monitoring oral anticoagulants.
Ready-to-use liquid
Code 300C - 10 x 2 mL (with card)
Code 301C - 10 x 5 mL (with card)
Code 309 - 10 x 2 mL (without card)
Code 310 -10 x 5 mL (without card)
EBCOAG TT - Thrombin Time
Detection of independent risk factors for arterial thrombosis, screening indicators and monitoring of hemorrhagic diseases.
Ready-to-use liquid
Code 306C - 6 x 2 mL (with card)
Code 311 - 6 x 2 mL (without card)
EBCOAG TTPa - Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Index for screening endogenous coagulation factors and clinical monitoring of heparin application.
Ready-to-use liquid
Code 302C - R1: 5 x 4 mL + R2: 5 x 5 mL (With card)
Code 303 - R1: 5 x 4 mL + R2: 5 x 5 mL (Without card)